Monday 14 October 2013

Air pollution during pregnancy poses risk to babies, study suggests

A new study finds that pollution causes low birth weight, which results in a higher risk of health problems and death

Pregnant women exposed to even very low levels of air pollution risk having babies of low birth weight, a major new study suggests.
The research, in Lancet Respiratory Medicine, looked at more than 74,000 pregnant women in 12 countries.
Low birth weight babies have a higher risk of health problems and death.
Most survive but are more likely to suffer from conditions such as diabetes and heart disease as adults.
Scientists measured traffic on the nearest road and on all major roads within 100 metres of each pregnant woman’s home.
They found that for every increase of five micrograms per cubic metre in exposure to fine particulate matter - emitted by vehicles and coal-fired power stations - the risk of low birthweight at term jumped by 18%.
Lead author Dr Marie Pedersen, of the Centre for Research in Environmental Epidemiology in Barcelona, said: “Our findings suggest that a substantial proportion of cases of low birthweight at term could be prevented in Europe if urban air pollution, particularly fine particulate matter, was reduced.”
Prof John Wright, of the Bradford Institute for Health Research and a co-author of the report, called for “greener transport” including electric cars to cut traffic pollution.
Dr Patrick O’Brien, of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, said exposure to air pollution was “unavoidable in day-to-day life” and insisted the risk remained fairly low.
He added: “More research in this area could further our knowledge on the impact of air pollution on women and their babies.”

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