Monday 14 October 2013

UK's relationship with China is like Harry Potter and his first girlfriend Cho Chang:' Boris Johnson's gag unravels as fans point out she was BRITISH and they split up

He might be the boy wizard of the Tory party but Boris Johnson's attempt to sell Britain's relationship with China mis-fired today with a Harry Potter analogy which lacked magic.
The London Mayor is in Beijing talking up how closer links with China, claiming it was like the wizard's first girlfriend 'Cho Chang - who is a Chinese overseas student at Hogwarts school'.
But the latest attempt to upstage Chancellor George Osborne - who is also in China this week - quickly unravelled, with fans of the JK Rowling series pointing out that Cho Chang was British, and their relationship fell apart soon after starting.
Mr Johnson has used every photo opportunity, interview and Q&A session to crack jokes and adopt tortuous analogies to describe his ambitions for Britain.
The tactic has proved successful in over-shadowing the visit of Mr Osborne who is also in Beijing this week drumming up trade with China.
In a further blow to the Chancellor who announced plans to make it easier for Chinese visitors to travel to Britain, Mr Johnson immediately undermined the policy saying it was 'unclear' how it would work. 
Highlighting Britain's close relationship with China, Mr Johnson drew on the literary works of JK Rowling.

Speaking at a Q&A session at Peking University, he said: 'If you want one final proof of how fast the world is changing, the cultural interpenetration between Britain and China, let me ask you a question, brilliant students of Peking University.
'Who in English literature is the most famous student? Who is the most famous student in contemporary British writing, would you say? I will give you a clue - he sometimes has a wand... Harry Potter.'
He went on: 'Where does the train go from which Harry Potter has to catch to go to his school? King's Cross, absolutely right, which is where? London. 
Love of literature: Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, and Ch Chang played by Scottish actress Katie Leung in the film series
Love of literature: Harry Potter, played by Daniel Radcliffe, and Ch Chang played by Scottish actress Katie Leung in the film series
'Where does Harry Potter buy his uniform and his wand and stuff like that and his books? I think it's in Diagon Alley which is in London. Where is the location of the Ministry of Magic? London.
'And who according to JK Rowling, the author of the Harry Potter novels, was Harry Potter's first girlfriend? Who is the first person he kisses? That's right, Cho Chang - who is a Chinese overseas student at Hogwarts school.
'Ladies and gents I rest my case. I don't think I need to argue any further, that is the future of Britain and of London.'
However, it was quickly noted that Cho Chang was not described as a Chinese overseas student in the series of novels, and was played in the films by British-Asian actress Katie Leung with a Scottish accent.
Mr Johnson is also facing criticism for his failure to raise human rights abuses while holding meetings in China.
Defending his decision not to touch on the issue, he told BBC Radio 4: 'I don’t walk into a meeting and say ‘I say, you chaps, how’s freedom doing?.
'I’m not saying there isn’t a role for the British government to stand up for what is right in the world, or what the British government sees as being right, all I’m saying is it’s not really my core function as Mayor of London to go around aggrandising myself in that way and presuming to take on all the pomp and panoply of Foreign Secretary and international relations and all the rest of it.'
But he also appeared to undermine Mr Osborne's flagship announcement today on visas.
A change to the rules will meant Chinese visitors would now be able to apply for a UK visa by filling out a form that would in the past have got them into 26 European countries under the Schengen agreement, but not the UK.
Trouble: Mr Johnson raised doubts about the government's visa announcement and said it was not his job to challenge the Chinese about their human rights record
Trouble: Mr Johnson raised doubts about the government's visa announcement and said it was not his job to challenge the Chinese about their human rights record
But the Mayor of London said it was not clear whether Chinese visitors would still need to fill out the Schengen form and the UK form.
He told BBC Radio 4's World at One: 'We will have to see how this scheme actually works. The detail is a little bit unclear to us at the moment.
'I'm initially obviously very supportive and would hope that it will make sure that we are able to get large numbers of Chinese students, of tourists, people who are going to bring who are going to bring income to our city.
'It's not clear that it's a single form either because there seems to be two forms but at least they are moving, at least they are showing signs of progress and that's what I want to see as well.'
The row risked overshadowing Mr Osborne's attempts to build stronger ties with the Far East, including a warning that people in the UK must stop viewing China as nothing more than a ‘sweatshop’ producing clothes and electronics on the cheap.
The Chancellor said he wants to change attitude towards China to realise it is at the forefront of technology, medicine and engineering which could benefit Britain.
He wants Britain to become to first choice for China to base business interests in the West, highlighting how twice as many people in China watch Downton Abbey than live in the UK.
Safe seat: Posing for pictures, Mr Osborne had to persuade Mr Johnson to sit closer to him
Safe seat: Posing for pictures, Mr Osborne had to persuade Mr Johnson to sit closer to him
George Osborne (centre right) warned Britons must not harbour 'outdated' and 'nervous'
Double act: George Osborne (centre right) warned Britons must not harbour 'outdated' and 'nervous' as he joined London Mayor Boris Johnson to talk to students at Peking University, Beijing, China
Mr Osborne is in China for a five-day trade mission to drum up business with Beijing.
He has refused to question China’s controversial human rights record, instead emphasising the need to persuade Asian companies to set up shop in the UK.
He said it was important to show ‘respect’ for the fact that China is ‘a deep and ancient civilisation that is tackling its own problems and going about it in the way it thinks is appropriate’.
Mr Osborne told BBC Radio 4’s Today programme: ‘‘I think there is a bit of a British attitude which treats China as a sweatshop on the Pearl River.
‘One of the things I'm trying to do this week in China is to change British attitudes to China... this is a country that is right at the forefront of medicine and high-tech and computing and high-tech engineering and all of that.’
Mr Osborne, who appeared with London Mayor Boris Johnson at Peking University,  said he wanted Chinese firms to see the UK as a place to base their Western activities.
He told the students: ‘I don't want Britain to resent China's success, I want us to celebrate it. I don't want us to try to resist your economic progress, I want Britain to share in it.’
Boris bikes: The London Mayor, pictured with Mr Osborne and Chinese students, used the trip to extol the virtues of cycling
Boris bikes: The London Mayor, pictured with Mr Osborne and Chinese students, used the trip to extol the virtues of cycling

Pose: While Mr Osborne is the more senior Conservative, Mr Johnson is the centre of attention in Beijing with students wanting their picture taken with him
Pose: While Mr Osborne is the more senior Conservative, Mr Johnson is the centre of attention in Beijing with students wanting their picture taken with him
Diplomatic relations between Beijing and Westminster had been strained by David Cameron's meeting with the Dalai Lama, but Mr Osborne stressed that the Prime Minister was ‘not planning to meet the Dalai Lama’ again.
Efforts to repair the damage have included a relaxation of the visa regime, as Britain seeks to reap the benefits of a boom in Chinese tourism.
Mr Osborne told Radio 4: ‘What we want to see is Chinese tourists, just as a generation ago we had a whole wave of Japanese tourists, the new phenomenon in the world is Chinese tourism. That's fantastic for the British hospitality and tourist industry.
‘We also want to see Chinese investment in our energy, in our finance and the like.
Vision: Mr Johnson said London should become the destination of choice for Chinese firms
Vision: Mr Johnson said London should become the destination of choice for Chinese firms
‘We also want to see this increasingly prosperous Chinese nation buying engines from Rolls-Royce for their aeroplanes, British pharmaceuticals.
‘One hundred and sixty million Chinese are watching Downton Abbey, which is more than double the number of people who live in the UK.
‘So it is a two-way relationship, it's a hugely important relationship. I think we can take the next big step in that relationship which is about more than just trading with each other but actually working with each other to develop the technologies and the medicines and the financial architecture of tomorrow.’
Mr Osborne insisted there is no limit on the number of Chinese tourists and students who can come to Britain.
The Chancellor told students in Beijing his visit was about 'much more than a collection of business deals'.
He said he wanted to make it clear to the whole of China that there is no limit on trade with Britain or the number of Chinese people who can come to study or visit.
A real dialogue between the two nations, he said, is about learning, understanding and 'embracing the future together', as he announced a partnership between Peking University, where he spoke, and Manchester University to create a joint centre for genomic medicine.
While acknowledging that 'we should not be afraid of pointing out where we disagree', Mr Osborne said the West should not harbour 'outdated" and 'nervous' views.
He welcomed Chinese investment in critical infrastructure such as water and airports.
Boost: Mr Johnson hailed the number of universities in London, which enable Chinese students to meet people from around the world
Boost: Mr Johnson hailed the number of universities in London, which enable Chinese students to meet people from around the world
Mr Osborne said: 'This partnership will - I hope - give even more of you the chance to come to Britain and study there.
'We already have 130,000 Chinese students like you studying in Britain. I want more of you to come. And more Chinese visitors too.
'Let me make this clear to you and to the whole of China. There is no limit to the number of Chinese who can study in Britain. No limit to the number of Chinese tourists who can visit.
No limit on the amount of business we can do together. For in the end what is a true dialogue?
'Not just a meeting between governments. Not just a conference of politicians.
'A real dialogue is where people get together, and talk, and learn, and understand and embrace the future together.'

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